Friday, October 16, 2009

The new found freedom did not last....

I was reading on another blog... parenting with a Narcissist... my new found freedom was cut short ... when he came back into our lives, with that sh--t eating grin on his face ... looking like he had won! yet again he squirmed his way back into our lives....and some how I end up looking, or feeling like the bad guy!

Kids are usually great at picking up the clues.... mom why are you buying dad a present when its YOUR BIRTHDAY!!!!! duhhhhhh red flag, hind sight , whatever you want to call it!

Its sad that my child will eventually grow...hopefully grow to be more mature than his own father,
how sad at the same time I sit in anticipation of this wonderful event occuring sooner rather than later.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

The self absorbed

I'm not talking about, just selfish, I'm talking about narcissistic, anti social ,and plan ol' sociopaths, anyone with experience please post to this blog...

Independence Day

After living with on and off for 23 years someone who is so self absorbed its ironic that it all unfolded very close to Independence Day and so close to my 40th birthday.
Would like others to share their knowledge, hopes, dreams and fears....